Salmon Idaho Bail Bonds

Massey’s is a Salmon Idaho Bail Bonds Company working to help families reconnect after the misfortune of incarceration in the Lemhi County Jail. Massey’s Bail Bonds is a client-based company & our resources are at your disposal. From the moment you call, we provide the bail information(Bail Amounts, Charges, Court, Applicable Case #’s) surrounding your loved one’s arrest. We explain the financial benefits of buying a bond, explain the bail process, & answer any questions you may have. Additionally, If you need a referral to Local Criminal Attorneys & Treatment Centers, these are provided at no additional cost. Call Massey’s Bail Bonds today – it is the most cost-effective solution to Bailing out of Jail.

Massey’s Idaho Bail Bonds Agent

Salmon Idaho Bail Bonds Agnet Camille Williams

Massey’s Salmon Idaho Bail Bonds agent lives ten minutes from the Lemhi County jail. A highly trained & qualified Bondsman, licensed in the State of Idaho to post bail. Massey’s understands that bad things happen to good people, whether you are a local or just passing through. Regardless of the situation, you can depend on the professionalism of our friendly, reliable bail agent. Call Massey’s Bail Bonds Now!

Salmon County Jail

If arrested in Lemhi County, Idaho, the arresting officer will transport them to Salmon, Idaho. The correctional facility for the county is located here. Once the accused arrives, the jail staff will begin the booking process. The State of Idaho uses a Bail schedule – a pre-determined bail amount based on alleged charges. Once the individual is booked into the county jail and bail is set the incarcerated will be given access to make calls to notify family or contact a Salmon Idaho Bail Bonds Company. If you decide to post bail the average time to post bail and be released is thirty minutes.

Office Location:
532 Main St.
Salmon, ID 83467
(208) 450-5219


Lemhi County, Idaho Criminal Attorneys

Lemhi County Treatment Centers