Substance Abuse Treatment Idaho Falls, Idaho
Here are some resources and substance abuse treatment centers in Idaho Falls, Idaho, that cater to addicts and individuals seeking support for various issues:
Treatment Centers:
- A New Evolution Counseling Services
- Offers treatment and counseling services.
- Address: 4400 Bonneville St Suite C, Idaho Falls, ID 83406
- Contact: (208) 542-9551
- Port of Hope Centers, Inc.
- Provides comprehensive treatment programs.
- Address: 508 Rigby Lake Dr, Rigby, ID 83442 (near Idaho Falls)
- Contact: (208) 745-7198
AA Meetings (Alcoholics Anonymous):
- Idaho Falls Intergroup
- Provides information on local AA meetings.
- Contact: (208) 522-1100
NA Meetings (Narcotics Anonymous):
- NA Idaho Region
- Provides information on local NA meetings.
Substance Abuse Treatment Needed for Mental Health Issues
Mental Health Services:
- Behavioral Health Center
- Provides mental health services including counseling and therapy.
- Address: 2275 E 25th St, Idaho Falls, ID 83404
- Contact: (208) 529-6050
- Website: Mental Health Services
- Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center
- Offers psychiatric services and mental health counseling.
- Address: 3100 Channing Way, Idaho Falls, ID 83404
- Contact: (208) 529-6111
- Website: Mental Health Services
Beneficial Substance Abuse Treatment Groups
These resources should provide a good starting point for accessing treatment, support groups, and counseling services in Idaho Falls. It’s often beneficial to contact these organizations directly to get specific details about their programs and availability.
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