Substance Abuse Treatment in Beaver County, Utah
Looking for substance abuse treatment resources in Beaver, Utah. Here are some options and information that might help:
- AA Meetings: These are excellent resources for individuals seeking support from peers who understand addiction struggles. AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) and
- NA Meetings: NA (Narcotics Anonymous) meetings typically provide a safe environment for sharing experiences and receiving encouragement.
- LDS 12-Step Program: If you prefer a program that integrates faith-based principles with addiction recovery, the LDS (Latter-day Saints) 12-Step Program could be beneficial. It follows a similar structure to AA and NA but incorporates teachings from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
- Licensed Mental Health Professionals: Seeking help from a licensed mental health professional can provide personalized therapy and support tailored to your specific needs. They can offer guidance and therapeutic interventions to aid in recovery.
- Southwest Mental Health – Stay N Clean Group: This specific group meets on Thursdays at 6 pm at 75 W. 1175 N., Beaver, UT 84713. This could be a good local resource for group support and guidance.
- Online Resources: If you’re unable to attend in-person meetings or prefer anonymity, online resources can also be valuable. Many groups offer virtual meetings and forums where you can connect with others facing similar challenges.
- Bail Bonds: While unrelated to treatment, the mention of bail bonds suggests there may be legal considerations. Seeking treatment and demonstrating a commitment to recovery can sometimes be favorable in legal proceedings.
If you or someone you know is struggling with substance abuse in Beaver County, Utah, taking the first step toward seeking help is crucial when trying to Dexter. Whether through support groups, professional counseling, or faith-based programs, there are resources available to support recovery and provide hope.
Reach out to Massey’s Bail Bonds in Beaver, Utah if you need Bail.